ALPS Gel Formulas and Fabrics Overview

Posted by SPS on Jul 15, 2020 10:54:26 AM

TCM ALPS Fabrics and Gels blog cover

In the latest The Clinical Minute, Sam Brouillette, CP, CFo, and SPS Manager of Clinical Education provides an overview of ALPS gel formulas and fabrics.

ALPS Gel Formulas 

EasyGel features a soft powder texture and antioxidants to protect sensitvie skin from free radicals. This soft gel is best for patients with sensitive skin at low activity levels.  

Liners with EasyGel 


EasyLiner SuperStretch

EZ Flex Liner

PSI Liner

Sleeves with EasyGel


EasySleeve SuperStretch



Grip Gel contains a smooth, tacky texture to reduce bunching in the popliteal region. The Grip Gel is great for for medium to high active patients with healthy skin tissue. 

Liners with Grip Gel 

Extreme Liner

General Purpose Liner

Superior Performance Liner


Sleeve with Grip Gel 

EasySleeve Fabric Reinforced

Extreme Sleeve

Superior Performance Sleeve

Superior Suspension Sleeve

Valve Integrated Vacuum Activated Sleeve

High Density Gel, or HD Gel is a firmer texture, similar to silicone. It’s great for high active patients who need soft tissue containment, or who are transitioning from silicone to gel. 

Liners with HD Gel 

ECO Liner

Extreme Liner

Liberty Liner

Smart Seal Liner

Superior Performance Liner

Sleeves with HD Gel 

Flex Sleeve

Superior Performance Sleeve

Superior Suspension Sleeve

ALPS Fabrics 

Beige Fabric has both vertical and horizontal stretch for superior freedom of movement.

Liners with Beige Fabric

EZ Flex Liner

General Purpose Liner

Sleeves with Beige Fabric 


Valve Integrated Vacuum Activated Sleeve

Brown Fabric reduces vertical stretch to minimize bunching while maintaining freedom of flexion.

Liners with Brown Fabric

EZ Flex Liner

Extreme Liner

Sleeves with Brown Fabric 

Extreme Sleeve


Black Fabric has minimal vertical stretch for more control of the sleeve or liner.

Liners with Black Fabric 

Anterior-Posterior Tapered Liner

Superior Performance Liner

Sleeves with Black Fabric 

Superior Suspension Sleeve

Superior Performance Sleeve

Knitted Fabric comes in beige, brown or a dark gray color. The fabric is knitted in vectors to control the horizontal and vertical stretch to provide custom control for your patients.

Liners with Knitted Fabric 

ECO Liner

Liberty Liner

Smart Seal Liner

Sleeves with Knitted Fabric 

Flex Sleeve


Click here to watch our ALPS prosthetic sleeves overview. 

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Topics: O&P Industry, SPS Online Store, Clinical Services, The Clinical Minute

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