The Clinical Minute features short overviews of orthotic and prosthetic devices. In this episode, Clinical Consultant Liz Hillen, M.Ed., CPO, LPO, explains the unique features of WillowWood’s Koa LP foot.
Topics: O&P Industry, SPS Online Store, Clinical Services, The Clinical Minute
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SPS Check-in: Interview with Hanger President and CEO Vinit Asar
Welcome to the 6th episode of the SPS Check-in. In this video, SPS President Regina Weger discusses the important topic of diversity and inclusion with Hanger President and CEO Vinit Asar. In this discussion, Vinit and Regina discuss Hanger’s Diversity and Inclusion Pledge, and expound on the tangible actions that can be taken to enact meaningful change against racism and inequality, to in turn, create a more inclusive profession.
Topics: O&P Industry, News, SPS Check-in
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IMPACT 2: The Role of Earlier Receipt of a Lower Limb Prosthesis on Emergency Department Utilization
A study conducted by Hanger’s IMPACT series exploring the impact of receipt of a prosthesis on overall healthcare utilization has been published in PM&R, the Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation. The study was conducted by Shane Wurdeman, PhD, CP, FAAOP (D), and Taavy Miller, PhD, CPO, members of Hanger Clinic’s Clinical and Scientific Affairs Department, along with researchers from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Department of Health.
Topics: O&P Industry, News, Research
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How to Order for Your Clinic in Peak Holiday Shipping Season
Updated 10/1/2021
Whether it’s a package to your home or an important shipment to your business, deliveries have been slower than usual, delayed for weeks, or lost completely. The topsy-turvy shipping industry could be nicely explained by the pandemic in 2020, but as 2022 draws near, why is the industry still experiencing shipping pains?
Topics: O&P Industry, SPS Online Store, News
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Competitive powerlifting? In Dallas, Texas? No sweat.
If there’s anyone who can speak with authority on sweat, it’s Dan Nunnelly. Consider this: Dan is a competitive powerlifter and strongman competitor. He lives in the scorching heat of Dallas. His gym doesn’t have air-conditioning, and temperatures can reach 100 degrees during his training sessions and competitions. Yes, Dan knows a thing or two about sweat.
Topics: O&P Industry, Sponsored, Product Feature
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Prioritizing Diversity & Inclusion in Healthcare: What it Means, Why it's Important, and How to Get Started
We are living in truly challenging times. Amidst a global pandemic and the effects of systemic racism and inequality dating back centuries coming to a head in our communities nationwide, our differences are dividing us when we should be working together to bring about needed change. Now is the time to come together as a healthcare profession to enact meaningful change within our workplaces, so we can create a more inclusive environment for those we serve, and in turn, make our world a better place.
Topics: O&P Industry
In this episode of The Clinical Minute, Sam Brouillette, CP, CFo, and SPS Manager of Clinical Education provides a quick overview of low to medium, and medium to high density liners from ALPS.
Topics: O&P Industry, SPS Online Store, Clinical Services, The Clinical Minute
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How to Leverage Email Marketing to Reach Patients
Every year, a new think piece is published extolling the death of emails to trendier communication channels like Slack, IM, or SMS messaging. Sometimes we wish this were true, like when we look at our inbox on Monday mornings, but studies on consumer preferences tell a different story. In a 2017 SendGrid-commissioned study, Egg Strategy found that 74% of respondents chose email as their preferred communication method for company interactions. It’s easy to imagine why. Emails help us organize our lives, search past communications, and are easily accessible by laptop, smartphone, tablet, and even smartwatch. Consider investing in email marketing to promote your brand, improve patient engagement, and establish a solid communication channel.
Topics: O&P Industry, Marketing
If your clinic is overflowing with referrals, you may wonder why you need a website. But according to a 2018 consumer study conducted by, 81% of patients still conduct online research on providers they are referred to. When patients are searching for your clinic online, you want to meet their expectation and provide a great first impression. Furthermore, having a website can improve your online reputation, streamline patient check-ins, open the door to analytical insights, and provide advertising opportunities. Here is what you need to know to get started.
Topics: O&P Industry, Marketing
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Things Amputees and People With Limb Differences Want You to Know, by Tanya Khvitsko-Trimborn
Around 2 million people in the United States are considered amputees. Each year 185,000 people undergo amputation surgery, according to the Amputee Coalition. No two situations are the same. A limb may be amputated because of an accident, injury, illness, or disease. Other limb differences are due to the way a person’s body formed in the womb, which is sometimes described as “congenital amputation.”
Topics: O&P Industry, Sponsored